Amazon(.de) is completely useless for Software eBooks…

So, everyone is reading eBooks today. So do I.

Interesting is, while I bought most paper books in the past on I don’t buy software eBooks on

What happend? Not much, the problem is simply that just offers kindle/mobi format. Personally, with iBook as my prefered ebook reader, I would like to get them in pub format. Amazon, pub? ehhhh, no.

Second, I also like to have my software ebooks as pdf because they are easier to read on the desktop machine. At home on the Mac and on Windows at work. Amazon, pdf? ehhhh, no again.

So where possible I buy ebooks directly on the publisher website, Manning, PragProg, O’Reilly because they offer all three formats for a single buy. You buy the ebook and you get all three formats. :)

That looks like a good deal for me. So why should I buy a software ebook on For me, there is no reason to do so.

But not all is lost for amazon. :-) For non software ebooks I don’t care that they are kindle only… ;-)

How’s your experience?